Bad prospecting creates all kinds of problems. From inconsistent pipeline to cash flow difficulties, lots of companies recognize that getting the fundamentals right yields better results.

And then they fix it. Right? Right?!

(We’re waiting with baited breath)

Here’s the problem: there are three additional hidden costs of bad prospecting that dramatically change a company’s trajectory.

Join us for this B2B Power Hour workshop on:

✅ Unpacking the three hidden costs

✅ Identifying the problems in your organization

✅ Why your best opportunities are just out of reach

✅ How a better process solves all issues

✅ Why toxic sales culture isn’t just about leadership

...and more!

We are diving past the tip of the iceberg and shining a light on how bad prospecting can ruin great companies. (And trust us — it’s not just because your prospects aren’t answering the phone)

Follow Nicholas Thickett on LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nicholasthickett

Follow Morgan Smith on LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/morganjsmith

Join the 1Up Club to power up your prospecting. Get access to power plays, special briefings, and even DIY enablement docs that help you prospect better. Learn more at b2bpowerhour.com/join.